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Re: Hate it when I'm right

Dfwdtv All you know about the healthcare law is what obama tells you. It's true, sheep can't read. Under obamacare if employers "make any changes to their plans to control increasing costs, they will lose their grandfathered status". Alternatively, if they keep grandfathered status by not making changes, their plans will eventually become unaffordable, forcing them to give them up. Either way their employees will eventually lose their current coverage and be forced by law to get their own coverage or pay a tax (fine) of 2.5% of their wages and be put on obamacare. The bottom line is this: obamacare, by its very design, aims to deminish private sector health coverage so as to channel you into a Government run system. This one law confiscates over one trillion dollars in fines (taxes) from the private sector, to feed the Leviathan and implement one more step in the "cradle to grave" approach of controlling your (and your kids) lives. Way to go dumbass. You just voted for a Marxist.  
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Hate it when I'm right by dfwdtv
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Re: Hate it when I'm right Paul the sat man 11/10/2012 5:01:59 PM