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Reach tens of thousands of cable, satellite, and broadband telecom professionals quickly and affordably by placing an ad on

  • Primary Resource -- Since its inception in 1996, has become the first place broadband pros look for industry information, employment ads, and classifieds.
  • Expansive, Targeted Audience -- 139014 registered accounts currently and thousands of additional unregistered viewers weekly.
  • Economical -- Other online services charge hundreds of dollars for a single employment ad. CABL charges only a fraction, and runs the ad longer.
  • Professional Appearance -- Each ad is displayed on its own page using a standard format. No other ads or banners appear in the page with your ad (excluding Free classifieds)
  • Exclusivity -- Unlike sites with "free" listings, CABL runs only the most worthwhile and relevant ads so yours will get the respect it deserves, and not be lost in a mass of unrelated noise.
  • Not the Competition -- The operator of, DBMV Solutions, is an independent sole proprietorship interested only in operating the CABL web site and creating other types of information technology solutions for broadband companies such as yours. We are not owned or influenced by your competitors.
  • Friendly Support -- A representative is available by phone (offline) during regular business hours should help be needed.

Employment and Classifieds

Employment listings: A full page job listing in the Employment section is $49.95 and runs up to 90 days. Discounts may apply depending on membership and additional options can increase the cost. See the instructions on the ad creation form for full details.

Classified (For Sale): A full page classified ad in the Classifieds section is $16.50 and runs up to 90 days. As with employment ads, additional discounts can apply by membership. Up to five pictures may be included in the ad at no additional cost. More pictures can be added for a small fee. A rotating display in the ad highlights all pictures and allows viewers access to each individual picture at full size.

For more information or to begin placing an advertisement, head to the Create an Employment Ad or Create a Classified Ad page.

Free Basic Classifieds

This ad classification is offered as a means for members to place ads seeking work, or "for sale" ads for items that otherwise might not warrant the expense of a regular ad. Ads must meet the requirements outlined below to qualify for placement in this section.

Free ads link to a contact form where interested parties may respond through Messaging. Due to the potential for abuse or errors via free accounts, phone numbers and email are only allowed by paid account members.

Free ads are limited to one active ad per category per account. An existing free ad may be replaced with a new ad for a different item whenever required.

In no instance may Free classifieds be used for the purpose of furthering the direct profit of a business (for example, a company that re-sells equipment may not use a free ad to solicit equipment.)

  • Wanted to Buy

    Requests for items needed. Items may be any intended for one-time, direct use by you or your company. Ads for items needed continuously or for resale do not qualify. The ad must state the specific item requested. "Motorola 750MHz amplifiers" is acceptable. "Any line electronics" is not specific enough.

  • Misc. For Sale

    Inexpensive items or personal items for sale. Reseller ads are automatically disqualified. Asking price for the item(s) must be included in the ad and total under $2000. Personal items unrelated to the industry (for example, a motorcycle) are exempt from this requirement and may be of any value.

  • Seeking Work

    Individual or small team (5 persons or less) looking for work

CABL reserves the right to reject any ad submitted for free listing at its discretion.

Banner Ads

Typical Usage

Banners can be placed on CABL through Google Adwords. After creating a campaign, add a Placement for (or any specific page on CABL.) The AdWords service has a toll-free help line to call. The number can be found by clicking the Help link at the top of any AdWords page. CABL does not provide support for the AdWords service.

Major Campaign

If your advertising requirements dictate a more significant exposure, a banner slice can be purchased monthly. A slice is a single exposure out of a series of 8 banner impressions per visitor. Slices occur randomly per visitor but are guaranteed to appear at least once every 8 impressions, therefore, any visitor presented with at least 8 impressions is guaranteed to be served the slice at least once.

A limited number of banner slices are available each month on a first-come first-served basis.

For banner availability or other questions regarding ads, Contact Us.