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Re: Charter...ugh

You are effin kiddin me right ?  You obviously don't have a freakin clue as to what used to be paid to the guy actually bringing the service into the home and what they pay these days on all levels.  This industry has gone from quite a few good men knowing what they were doing and getting paid right to do it, to a wasteland of illegals and reject burger flippers. I remember a day when customers were actually happy to see the cable guy as opposed to today where the lack of customer care on the MSO's part makes them want to spit on our trucks.
Now in 2011 gasoline is more than twice the price it was in 2001, the cost of being a contractor has gone up, yet the payouts from the MSO's through the primes, and through the cable pimp wannabes have done nothing but go down. It's not his words but your actions that contribute to the decay of what was once a noble profession on all levels to the depths of despair it is in today.  Today there is no such thing as customer satisfaction, rather it's get it out there for as little as possible so that very few can make as much as possible.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Charter...ugh by KrellcomComm
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Re: Charter...ugh KrellcomComm 9/30/2011 2:10:21 PM