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Re: What holds an atom together

First of all God does not need finances.
Tithing (giving to the local church) is COMMANDED in the Bible in order for us to show that we have faith that God will provide for our needs.
God has given us all that we have.  He gave you your health to be able to go to work, he has given you what ever talents you have in order to be employable.  He has orchestrated you to be at the right place at the right time to fill your employers needs.  In other words it was God that allowed you to to earn what ever money that you my earn.
If you think that you earn your money without Gods help, keep it, ALL of it and see just how secure you will be in your finances. 
You said: " you give the church money while you yourself struggle,.."
As for me, I have attained complete financial security in my life. I have no bank account or credit cards, less than $100.00 cash in savings, I am self employed and never really know where or when my next dollar will come from, I have needs that, to some would seem unobtainable, yet God ALWAYS provides a way for me to meet those needs.  I don't look at it as though I give God 10 cents for every dollar that I make, rather that God gives me 90 cents for every dime I give Him.
My security lies in KNOWING that God will provide me with ALL of my needs (And quite often my desires) and my security (faith) is strengthened by being obedient in tithing.

With God all things are possible
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Posted in reply to: Re: What holds an atom together by cablemn86
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: What holds an atom together cablemn86 6/16/2011 9:17:49 AM
Re: What holds an atom together Gary Vest 6/15/2011 2:19:00 PM
Re: What holds an atom together TheRobMan 6/15/2011 11:46:08 AM