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Wet Cement
Ron Crete info: not bad to work for pay is on time. TSI not bad co if I were not working right now I would go back.
Mark A. Pickrell
Don't know who this Longshlong person is or what the heck he/she is talking about as far as ripping off $15,000.00! Since you are not man/woman enough to put your name out and you have deleted your internet name so I can not contact you! This means your both a liar and have no spine! But, I do have your IP address to trace! I should know who you are by the end of Monday!
Mark A. Pickrell
You better believe I "KNOW" I'm better than those of you that continue to talk me down and dog me! You want to know why? NO? Well, I'll tell you anyway. Because I chose to CHANGE my way of life! (Baptised 12/16/1993 as a Jehovah Witness) Because I chose to stop being selfish and spending all the money on titty bars, drugs, partying my life away! Spending all my time in a bar instead of with my wife and little ones! Like MANY of you out there! I chose to take care of my wife and give her a nice home! I chose "HONESTY"! Which is a word I do not believe is ANY of those out there that are "against" me! I chose that my CAREER is my life and I have morals! I won't LIE or deceive just to make the BIG BUCKS! Like many of you out there! Oh, it's okay when YOU chose to look the other way when you SCREW the MSO by faulsifing TDR Shots or Sweep Graphs or CERT Documents! That's okay for you to make your BIG BUCKS! But, as soon as a few bucks are taken for GIGS! Your crying "RIPS OFFS"! The days of those of you out there that have chosen this path are SOON to be over! I for one will take ALL the DOGGING, THROWN OFF PROJECTS, LIED ABOUT, HATED , LAUGH AT, CALLED A HEADCASE,..........and anything else you all chose to do to me to KEEP MY INTEGRITY! MY SELF RESPECT! MY SPIRITUAL LIFE! When I die, I will know that I made up for all the foolish things I did in my past (Pre 12/16/93) AND I did a LOT of stupid crap! Jehovah says I am supposed to LOVE all you that are scorning me, persecuting me! Well, I will have to work on that one for a VERY long time! BUT, I don't have to LOVE the kind of ANIMALS you ACT like! I am NOT speaking to EVERYONE on Cabl.Com obviously! Those of you that our paths have crossed or will cross again! Know who I am speaking to! Thos of you that are leading the VERY LIFE I lead before I became a JW. Let this be a warning! It will catch up with you! Please feel free to continue persecuting me because Jehovah God says I am to be happy about this! I am going to continue to keep doing what I feel is right! NO ONE CAN STOP THAT! At least I can say I will be able to face Jehovah God and Christ Jesus at Judgement day! What will you all say????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Prince Cable SUCKS!!!!!
Wuz Up
Mark P. you are like shit, can scoop the shit up and through it out but the smeal will always be there. Shut your pie hole. Just do not know when your ahead in life.
Mark A. Pickrell
Hey Wazup! I know I'm ahead in life! I know I have a great life! As for smelling like crap? Only being around the likes of you would make me smell that way!
john c
hey mark pickrell or any one else e-mail me on information on becoming a sweep tech must be a tight closed field can find any info on it thanks john c at johncan59@*****.com
Rick Bruner
Mike O'conner, where are ya. Call me.
Wuz Up
Mark P. i know you and i know you suck as a sweep tech that is why we fired you.