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Cable Installer/Technician/Contract Company

Contractor: Corp-to-Corp

North Carolina


West Virginia




Provided once confidentiality agreement is completed


Must be a contract company with minimum of 5 technicians available to work in Eastern North Carolina. This will be a long term project. West Virginia needs contract companies with 1 to 10 technicians available. Can also be a long term project based on performance.

Other Requirements

Insured and be able to manage market

Job Description

We have the opportunity to bring 5 to 20 technicians into Eastern North Carolina. If we use your company you will manage the market for us. You will need to have a minimum of 5 technicians to start out. Then you can hire locally and grow as the markets allow. We have been told possibly 20 technicians could be needed by summer.
You will need to manage your performance, hiring, training, and inventory. You will work with the local office for the ISP management. We will also assist you anyway we can to help you meet the local metrics.

We also have an opportunity throughout the state of West Virginia for a contract company to add technicians to supplement our in-house technicians. West Virginia is available to companies even if they cannot take on the North Carolina project.

We are also hiring W2 employees on West Virginia.


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listed • expires
job listing #93902 • tiny link