We need UG Fiber Pull Through and MDU Fiber Crews
Independent Contractor
Kennewick and Richland
On Website, Payout is Net 12
Experienced in Pulling Fiber, Rodding Roping and Running Fiber throughout MDUs. If you have the tools and experience to do the splicing on these maps we can also assign that to you.
Other Requirements
Must have all tools required to do the job right the first time, Including safety equipment and Manhole kits when in manholes.
Job Description
We are doing a 7 year Fiber build for Ziply Fiber. We do the New build Aerial, UG Splicing, Aerial Drops, Drop Buries, Sales and Installs. We are looking for Honest, Driven, Hard Working crews that can do the UG Pull Through and MDU Fiber Placement on our BAU, Metro Easements and MDU side of the build. If you are able to splice we will give you that side of these map builds as well. While everyone else is slowing down we are extremely busy and covering the entire project so you will have the ability to make money and grow. Over the next 7 years this project will cover Idaho, Montana, Wa and Oregon.
x x x x Canceled/Expired Listing x x x x
listed •
job listing #102250 •
tiny link cabl.co/eALm