Underground/Aerial Mang. FTTH project Mississippi
Full-time Employee
Jackson and surrounding areas
7 November
We are in need of a strong manager to run our FTTH build in Mississippi. you must be a strong leader that will run the crews not let them run you. You must have the ability to work independently with support from our corporate office as needed. you need to be able to communicate electronically for billing and email purposes. must have a working knowledge of both Aerial and UG construction, know how to read prints and maintain redlines and asbuilts.
Other Requirements
Have a working cell phone, we can provide a company truck or pay a truck allowance for yours ,must have a valid drivers license with a verifiable good driving history to be able to operate company vehicles.
Job Description
We are building conduit, pulling in fiber, setting hand holes and flower pots for a long term FTTH project in and around Jackson Mississippi. you will be reviewing prints and issuing work based on the customer build goals and deadlines. you will be calling in locates in the beginning which will then become the responsibility of the crews. you will be maintaining the asbuilt redlines and ensuring the crews are turning in their dallies and weeklies with required backup to support their invoices, no invoice will be approved without all needed backup. you will need strong communication skills both verbally and electronically and must be able to input billing and backup on the computer. if you don't have strong computer skills this position will not be a good fit for you. I will not give anyone the responsibility of doing a job without the authority to make it happen! this will be your project and we will not micro manage you. Its important that you are able to work independent and run your project in a safe, productive, and profitable manner. if you know this is a task you can be successful at and a challenge your willing to except please email me with your name and phone number you can be reached at and I will call you for a phone interview, please include anything that will allow you to stand out above the rest of the applicants. I look forward to hearing from you all.
x x x x Canceled/Expired Listing x x x x
listed •
job listing #100022 •
tiny link cabl.co/eAbq