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Re:Some help to all who have trouble spelling

As some of you have come to learn, communication skills are important, but classes are out and school is over. "It's never too late to learn", is true in all repects, including your ability to communicate by way of written words. How can you do this? Read, read, read and observe what you are reading. Even if it is only 15 minutes a day. Buy a paperback dictionary and use it. Sure it takes time, but time is all it takes. The only people who do not refer to a dictionary are those who have a severe spelling problem. You don't have to become perfect, but you can become better. It is important to you and your future.

Are you old enough to remember the CB radio craze with an effective range of about two miles? Those of us who coudn't (get that) spell were not recognized. Now, the written word is the form of communication, worldwide. Remember, "It's not too late to learn" or improve.

I better stop right here, because I am into my happy hour.

>Eye ave a spelling checker
>It came with my pea sea
>It plainly marks four my revue
>Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
>Eye strikes a key and tiype a wurd
>and weight four it two say
>Weather eye am wrong oar write
>it shows me strait a weigh.
>As soon as a mist ache is maid
>It nose bee fore two long
>And eye can put the error rite
>Its rare lee ever wrong.
>Eye have run this poem threw it
>I am shore your pleased two no
>Its letter perfect awl the weigh
>My checker tole me sew.
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