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Romans 12:2 God has a plan for the life of every Christian. Every circumstance, every turn of destiny, is for your good. It is working together for completeness. His plan for you is being perfected. All things working together for your good and for His glory. As a young Christian, Ruth, my wife, wanted to be a missionary, as were her father and mother. But God had other plans for her life. Changing circumstances revealed God’s will to her, and she was happy where God had placed her. So many of us ask God to change the circumstances to suit our desires, instead of us conforming our wills to His. Don’t let circumstances distress you. Rather, look for the will of God for your life to be revealed in and through those circumstances.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        If someone really thinks that some sky guy has special plans for just you after helping the other team win the game, or not letting you find your keys, or giving a child cancer or having a family member turned into worm food then you really need help. Take a look at this world, who in their right mind would create such evil and chaos?

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