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Re: Good bye 1st amendment

Did you really expect anything less?  There is not real freedom of speech left.  The cancel culture groupies and woke folk have made sure of that.  Soon they will eat their own.  The real question is, when that happens, will there be enough people left to stand up and fight back the ruling mob? 

Right now, they have free reign.  No one is fighting back because they have created a false sense of fear.  People are afraid of being canceled.  People are afraid of the Delta variant.  People are afraid of stepping on toes. 

I say, to hell with fear.  Stomp on toes.  I am unapologetically conservative in my views.  Does that mean that I am automatically labeled as a racist, sexist, xenophobic, hate filled person?  I suppose to the uneducated/over educated masses that know nothing but spewing hatred for anything that is not their view, I am all those things. 

If you have a problem with seeing me talking with my neighbors of all races and nationalities while there are American flags waving in our yards, with my 9 on my hip for all to see, sorry, not sorry.  I will attend church on Sunday.  I will cling to my bible and my guns.  God will protect me and my family for eternity.  It is my job to protect them while I am here on earth, from all enemies, foreign and domestic.   

God Bless the USA.  And God help us.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Quit being part of the problem!
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