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Re: Freedom is done

Right on the money Chicago

Trump is band from several social media’s. Isn’t that violating free speech?  Isn’t making law abiding citizens jump though hoops to buy a gun, limiting number of guns you can buy, taxing ammo and firearms, reclassification of now legal firearms a second amendment violation?  When the first & second amendments are destroyed, so will be the country as we know it. We will rapidly move from a free country to socialism. The state will dictate your every move, you will be guilty until proven innocent, the children will be encouraged to sky & report on their parents, police will become powerful & corrupt, standard of living will drop, etc. Any of this sound familiar?  It should. The US military has been fighting to keep America free from socialism & dictatorship for over 2 centuries.  For those of you who think Trump is a dictator, think again. He certainly could not have made his money under a socialistic dictatorship form of government.  Bottom line I’m free to write what I want but soon that may change. Think what the future will be like if you were restricted what you write until the government approves your actions. Like they do with the second amendment already under NFA & GCA.  If you think free speak & being armed have nothing to do with each other. Remember this. "The pen is mightier than the sword."

PS. For those of you who may not know the year 2020 had a record 21 million NICS checks to buy a gun. 8.4 million were first time buyers.  

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Posted in reply to: Re: Freedom is done by chicago splicing
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Re: Freedom is done skidmark167 1/15/2021 4:36:33 AM