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Re: Beware of Sean Obrien

 I have been a union member for 32yrs. I have been involved as a union steward for 30yrs, and as a e board member for 4yrs. I have heard a lot of complaining about company vs. union. I now am an independent contractor.
 I have heard of the union dues being a rip off. I have heard that companies do not like unions, unions defend the screw offs and the screwups, that it is twice as hard to fire unwilling or unfit members.
 I personal have worked with a company to improve training, workers saftey, to save money for the company, and have been accused of doing nothing for the union members at times.
  If you want good employees, and good jobs, become involved. Any union is only as good as their members. You have control over your contracts by voting intellegently, Know what your voting for. See the company,s side make an informed decision.
 The advantage is yours if you are involved. A good union will help, not hender both the worker and the company.
 I hear everyone saying they can organize themselves.  It doesn,t work. We all talk about it, nothing gets done about it. If you organize your selves you still have a union. Not every one is on the right track. Too many individuals want too many things differantly.
 For the last 5 yrs I have not belonged to the union. I see a lot of unpleasant situations and have been fortuante that it hasn,t happened to me. I miss the union.
 Maybe the unions are not for every one. But a strong membership makes a strong company, and a strong union.
 It may be your misfortune to have been screwed by the union at one time or another. I know I have been screwed by the company that I worked for several times. But unjustly.  I won in the long run however, it took time, patience and persistance. I am proud of the I.B.E.W. and to have been a union member.
 I am only giving an opionated statement, but I also will not cram union down anyones throat.
 Seeing this last statement made me think of how wrong people and companies could be when uninformed statements are made.
   Sorry if I upset anyone. I can work as a union member or work with out being one. The same is your choice. Don,t run it into the ground is all I am saying. The unions have their place. The employees have their choices and most of all the companies can choose their way or the highway.
My experiance is that good people make good workers and a union can help.
Off my soap box folks!
mark l casmar
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Re: Beware of Sean Obrien CR Robinson 12/3/2013 11:49:07 AM