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Re: Directv's Contractor Pricing for Upgrades/Swap

Good point all, except for the "turn down work" part.   This is not a real contracting job where you bid on a particular job and get it or don't.  This is fake contracting where people who have no installation skills depend on workers to do work that they themselves would never accept in order to make them money.   That means that they will use all kinds of force and threats, or hold your three weeks backpay which will be about $3-5k.  

So you attempt to go to a retailer who maybe gets one install a day or two.  Your level of work goes down, but so does your income and frequency of work orders. 

So back to my main point....  What can be done to make the Corporations more responsible financially to the CONTRACTORS.    They force us to take Jones NCTI tests and SBCA tests which WE pay for, they  force us to use cable that costs $85 per thousand feet that WE pay for, trucks, meters, insurances, gas, etc....     

Let the dang old "stupidvisors" load up their own trucks and go do upgrades.   I bet there would be a price renegotiation then. 

What are the odds that we could form a Satellite installers union to go to bat for us?    Thoughts?
Work Hard Play Hard Get Paid
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Re: Directv's Contractor Pricing for Upgrades/Swap whocares1984 7/11/2013 1:27:28 AM