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Re: Directv's Contractor Pricing for Upgrades/Swap

The problem for me is, I don't like just one town.  I like to travel and enjoy the road work.  I cannot settle in one town and work for one company the rest of my life. 
That being said, the corporations that take in billions per MONTH need to be held accountable for the people who support their means. 

For example, now we have the Obamacare law, and who will be held accountable for this additional expense?   Do you think that DirecTV or Charter or DishNetwork or Comcast is going to foot the bill for their contractors?   Do you think they will give a raise in production payments to cover the cost?  

Here is an anomoly which makes no sense at all.    With all of the cost increases across the board, contractors are still getting paid less per job.   Who could accept that?   What can be done to increase the prices back to liveable wages?

Ten years ago it was nothing to make $2k per week doing cable or satellite work.  Now it is down to $1k and gas is twice the cost it was then.  Vehicles and insurance cost more .  Rent is higher.  Electricity costs more, and so does your kids college education. 

It is about time to bring the hammer down on these large corporations and force them to become responsible to the people who actually do the work, not the leeches who pose as "contractors" and take more than half the money while doing absolutely no installation work.   What right does someone who does NO ACTUAL WORK have bidding the work?   Of course everything is free, because the person doing the negotiating has nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

I call BS on this practice.   Get rid of the middle management and get back to basics, either that or offer me a franchise dangit.   I have been doing this stuff for fifteen years as a contractor and have not even got a pencil from DirecTV that I did not pay for. 
Work Hard Play Hard Get Paid
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