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Re: Has Anyone Read This?

Furthermore, You're scenerio is flawed with ignorance. 3 Year olds don't find guns. People who leave guns lying around for a 3 year old to pick up are the problem. A 3 year old in my home won't find a gun loaded or unloaded due to the fact that a 3 year has no business being unsupervised. If a gun owner leaves weapons out for unsupervised children to play with HTF does that make the gun violent? The out come could be violent but the nature of the gun is not. JEEZ!

 What if said three year is holding a sharp kitchen knife? A bottle of drano? A sewing needle? And so on. Does that make all those inaminate objects violent by nature? I don't think so. You are clearly on board with the pussification of this once great nation and clearly believe that personal responsibility is a farce and that you or people with your mindset know better how to live everyone elses lives than they do. 

 I have loaded guns in every room. I have children that I have raised to respect these guns and they know how to use and enjoy using them. If someone enters my home with violent intentions they will be met with a violent RESPONSE wielded by a confident resposible gun owner. MOLON LABE!
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Posted in reply to: Re: Has Anyone Read This? by fibergator
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Re: Has Anyone Read This? bushmaster 6/28/2013 9:17:27 AM