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Re: WV Strike Work

  They have a contract with cwa that expires on 08/02/13.  A contract with cwa expired in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio in Febuary. They bargained for a new agreement there. In Pennsylvania the contract expired last June and the agreement  has been extended. 

  With that said, my guess is Frontier will bargain with cwa and possibly reach an agreement before or after the deadline, with extensions granted if not reached before the deadline. That is only my guess, as I have no idea if they have started talks or when the start date is.

  Contractors will tell you all sorts of things, mostly false stringing you along just so they can say they have numbers. Frontier might even pay contractors to have people sit around and do nothing for a day or two before the deadline, and possibly a day or two after and then cut them loose if they feel there will be no strike.
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Posted in reply to: WV Strike Work by JerseyCableGuy
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