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Re: Guns....20 Dead Children

I was not intending to get into any personal attack type discussion, but I get very disgusted with those who think more laws will solve everything. Every time there is a gun used, the anti gun lobby gets on a rhetorical roll about eliminating or changing the 2nd Amendment. Our society as a whole, is in a state of moral decline, and the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with that.
I too, am a responsible gun owner and hunter, and have been since I was old enough to own a gun and hunt. With the exception of my time in Vietnam, I have never used a gun to take the life of anything except legally hunted game. Hopefully, I will never have to change that, but will if needed to protect my life or that of a family member or friend.
I, like every responsible person I know, wish we had the answers to our sociaties problems, but unfortunately I do not. 
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Posted in reply to: Re: Guns....20 Dead Children by linedawg
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Re: Guns....20 Dead Children JeffreyClendenin 12/15/2012 6:22:07 PM