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I'm baack...

Returned to contracting after leaving Florida as a sub for Cox in 10/11. Started as a sub here in Baltimore for Comcast a few months ago.. I have come to the conclusion that I have been abducted by aliens and forced to believe that this was a good idea.. 

 My god, I thought this industry was bad before... From the hourly wages coupled with piecework in the single digits to dealing with incredible incompetence and the usual joys of contracting its mindblowing..
 How about taking pride in your work??..techs with SCOI numbers through the roof getting routed daily..  push your 40 hours a week and you get complimentary time off till the next pay period.. wtf??  that long orange thingy strapped to your truck is called a ladder. Its ment to be used with those litte square shiny things with the round pegs sticking out of them hanging on that black wire between the 2 logs..  Replace a drop? Why?, even though its been hanging for 15 years these shiny new outside fittings magically remove any ingress and squirrel chews, besides, that would mean I would have to wrestle with that big long orange thingy on the top of my truck :/
This is posting #349929. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: I'm baack... TOMMYTHOMAS 11/26/2012 5:30:10 PM
Re: I'm baack... CABLEDAWG2K 11/26/2012 12:42:29 PM