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Re: We Are Watching You

You're all aware of the rule against posting politics in the Broadband forums and anything political, especially by those with that history, will be removed. The victimization complex you're creating is humorous but I can't let it spill over into the main forums. It's difficult enough dealing with issues between employer/employee or contractor/sub, and other business-related problems. I don't like having to remove posts but it's something that must be done to maintain some usefulness in the forums. I don't need this paranoia bullshit disrupting the rest of the site.

Recently a member had to be suspended for this very reason. The warning is prominently posted,  What occurs in this forum stays in this forum. If these forums are going to exist then I have to be serious about it.

There are some things going on related to the new site. I don't want to destroy too much of the conspiracy fantasy but I'll let on to the secret of graphics that "disappear" then reappear. One of the new improvements was keeping a mirror site for backup. In order to test it, I switch between the real site and the backup site. Shit happens. I don't like having to use server storage and backup for these things. If it's not something that is your own creation, then link to the thing wherever you found it. Then it can never disappear. So cool. Try it. Please, whatever you do, don't copy/paste from a word processor or whatever that encodes the picture as text in the message. Someone (now suspended) has been doing this. 700kb+ for a stupid political graphic is not something that needs to be in the database. It affects the whole site so I've instructed to dump any such post. 

This is posting #345824. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: We Are Watching You by johnmc3
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: We Are Watching You johnmc3 7/11/2012 12:03:37 PM
Re: We Are Watching You goodsky 7/10/2012 3:06:23 PM