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cinema connect

hey there guys , ive been a member a long time , stay under the radar ,im a big directv fan ,i believe in the product and ive supported myself and a couple wives , several girlfriends , some bratty kids , ive rolled with all the changes since i started in 2000 , im a team player man , , ive really kind of sold my soul for dtv , im alone second divorce done with , blah , blah blah , enough sob stuff , its been an adventure i regret nothing , but the straw is bound to come eventually , i work for independent retailers now easy gig until resently , its always the same crap , directv corporate tells us no more custom charges for the cinema connect , a year ago we could charge up to 150 bucks , of course i rarely did , THE CUSTOMER IS MY BOSS I TREAT THEM LIKE KINGS ALWAYS HAVE ,they pay our bills , one customer bitched about custom charges so what does directv do ? screw the sub ........ again , ive bent over many times but im thinkin this is it , how many times can you be abused and still say thank you sir .... can i have another ? , im just another little man , and thats cool , but this country has lost its way , we are the real face of directv yet we are treated like crap , i am 51 and will probably be dead in 20 years and my words will be thrown away its cool but so damn sad , we all loose
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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: cinema connect tvland 12/23/2011 10:14:55 PM
Re: cinema connect colin.704 9/28/2011 8:59:36 AM
Re: cinema connect kcaudiofx 9/28/2011 12:53:19 AM