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Re: What holds an atom together

In reading these posts, I sometimes get lost... 

I read a post on here recently that someone has a problem with "organized religion".... That being said,
I would like to share a little story....
There was a young girl who had grown up in church... was there "every time the doors opened". When she was 15, she listened to a boy who told her he loved her.... lying boy, dumb girl! When it became obvious that she was pregnant, some of the ladies of the church said that she shouldn't be allowed to attend "youth activities" as this was a "bad example for the other kids".(The boy was still a junior deacon and sang in the choir every Sunday.) Keep in mind, some of these "ladies" had said to this girl when they were her Sunday school teachers, "You can always turn to the church when you need help" and "Judge not least you be judged".
(That is why I am against "organized religion)
My point is...if the church is made up of people.... the problem isn't "religion" it is the people who claim to be knowledgable? 
I am not saying any one religion is right or wrong. I am just glad that everyone here seems to feel free to speak their opinion. 
I can see truth in alot of different religions... personally, I am a firm believer in God... 
I don't know how you guys can see the view from the top of a pole or a bucket and not KNOW that there is a God? 
Either way, I am glad to know that nobody here is "Judge and Jury"!!! 
Have a Blessed day or what ever it is where ever you are!          
This is posting #329235. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: What holds an atom together by Splicer Life 4me
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: What holds an atom together Splicer Life 4me 6/14/2011 4:42:37 PM