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Re: where to buy a time warner j box key ?

So you need a MX Master, you will need to contact the Lock Manufacture and some how convince them you are with the MSO
 or you can remove a lock and go to a shady locksmith to make you a master key to fit all the MX locks
or just have him make you a bump key, gets kinda noisey in the middle of the night un-locking a box with a bump key.

Just go to your system tech and tell him you broke yours and need another one, Oh thats right they will keep your retainage for not returning your key
but if you find a unlocked box a locksmith will make you one.

Hell I remember trying to buy security tools from TVC , star tool, insert tool , I had to send a letter from the mso before they would sell them to me.
the P key was about the only one they didn't hassel you about, used to get a pallet of peds and had a plastic bag in it with about 10 of the plastic P keys
the brass one were the keepers.
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