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Re: subcontracting

Well after reading alot of risk management reports.  One way around this would be hire or start an cable training company.  They pay the training at min wage, then the trainee rides with the trainer's' and your company provides work orders.  Just the billing for the work orders completed for the day would cover a training few paid directly to the training company - 200.00 per day training per new hire. We know two or three triple plays Primes get almost 300-400 if new drops, PC codes are done. 


Post an ad in the newspaper - cable guys needed will train if needed. Get a few guys and have them report to a training company for a week or so. 

Now most all MSO's required the Jones certs last year and every prime trained them.  Testing onsite, training classs's weekly. Sounds like an employee now. Be careful, now what if a new product comes out. Whos gonna tech um that?  You are so its a catch 22.

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