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Re: IF You Are an employee who does installs 6 day

Why get personal why not just stick to addressing my opinions?   Your goal here as of now is not too clear to me..  If you don't understand the point by all means let me know.  This is not an "efficient versus inefficient tech" thing, assuming two techs are efficient at installing and both good at math, the employee will make about five to ten thousand more in just overtime doing the same work.  

What you are missing is that it is your company's choice to go employee.  They are not being truthful to you if they say otherwise, they are not compelled by any laws or by slackers to use employees versus independent contractors!  
You may not like the laws on the books personally or you may not like being told what the actual law says a contractor is, but maybe others care.  A contractor needs to have a basic knowledge of business economics.   

How many times were the tech's you know paid above 2k the whole year?  
If you don't know techs who work 10 hours a day 6 days a week year round I do. My math is quite good and I can prove it.  60 hours a week is an estimated average.   Could be less or more.      Techs making 2k a week and not working 60 hours a week is not something I've seen.  In fact I've seen 7 days a week working 85 hours at peak times.  But peak time (2k a week) is no average pay either.

As to your personal assertions. I feel I'm the biggest capitalist in the world (its a shame that its necessary to mention that at this point)

I have a degree in mechanical engineering.  I can hold my own in a room full of experts.  I personally don't need to work for the cable industry. I am currently in a four month process of proving to the cable company that I personally am smart enough to offer my services to them (not talking about installation).  I have spoken to some of their VPs and senior directors sometimes in person and my arguments and points have been more persuasive than theirs so far.  I bet you did not expect that uh? Come to Facebook and join or form a group where I can allow anyone who is interested to actually have a chance at verifying what I say.  

The CEO's office of the cable company whose contractor  I worked for knows my name.   The regional executive's office in the market I'm in, they know exactly who I am.      Lets not get emotionally overheated about this. Nothing will be gained in that. Let's try to be accurate in interpreting the obvious facts here.   Iam a capitalist I am not personally against you being a contractor I want you to be successful get quoted on Nasdaq and employ me .  So once again why would I be calling for the end of contracting?  


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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: IF You Are an employee who does installs 6 day SpeedLasher 2/21/2010 4:51:31 PM