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A rookies thoughts

I just recieved a P.M. from a rookie called Cabletool (yeah he is a tool) it read as follows

from the pics i have seen you post i think that your work is sloppy and you could use some more traning. you should ask your supervisor to ride along with you and retrain.
 Keep in mind he joined within the last few days and he has posted one thing he did not elaborate on his expeireince or how long he has done cable or if he even does cable at all so here is some insight into who I am cabletool (Notice he cant spell either)

I have been doing this more than 5 years
I have been a trainer
I have been a supervisor
I have run my own site
I have an exceptional qc and completeion rate record
I have NEVER damaged a customers home
I have never lost a peice of equipment
I have celebrtities and politicians that request me to do work for them on multi-million dollar homes that they wont allow in-house tech's into

So that being said cabletool until you can meet half of that list do me a favor and keep your mouth shut and please feel free to call me out in a forum you dont have to P.M. me I welcome this kind of foolishness in the open.

This is posting #280650. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: A rookies thoughts junyadrin 11/28/2009 9:04:17 AM
Re: A rookies thoughts Splicer Life 4me 11/18/2009 6:36:13 PM