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Re: How do you feel about the U.S. future?

Polestroker... stand down, beforwe you give yourself a coronary.  Post the bottom portion of your DD-214 and I'll post mine. I don't believe you ever spent anytime in the military, not even the Coast Guard.  What I believe is that you have tried to steal someone else's life who you've worked with.

Navy doesn't have MOS designations we have job rates, proves you've never been around any.

You're very old and miserable and life is nearly over for you, so you hang out on the bar looking for arguments, I want give you the satisfaction.  Yankees originate from the northern US, I was born and raised in the south; FL.

I agree with what "satmanbill" posted, instead of banding together as we should in the face our country careening toward third status, you hang out on the bar looking to incite ire you jagoff.  Definitely proving you've never been a member of any military force that required team work, brotherhood, and unfailing commitment.  

Can you look in a man's eyes just before you slit his throat or fire a round into his forehead.  Don't lie about your feats and fantasies or make idle threats that you know you don't have the nerve to follow thru with.

One would think you being in the autumn of your life, you would have matured and mellowed by now.  How may of your family members, folks you consider friends, former coworkers, and your own children have you forced to avoid you?  Time for a reality check.

In closing my invitation still stands... let's meet..., give you an express ticket to redemption or final boarding pass to hell.... Otherwise, find another way to amuse yourself... 
This is posting #253186. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: How do you feel about the U.S. future? by Polehiker
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: How do you feel about the U.S. future? Polehiker 5/4/2009 5:09:23 PM
Re: How do you feel about the U.S. future? Polehiker 5/4/2009 3:56:52 PM