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Re: The resolved Micro Tiling

I'm not certain under what criteria (magnitude of event, or duration of event) that the box's or your meter's error measuring qualifies as a measurable event worth logging.

You said that you sat at tap with a different box, but have you sat at tap with the exact same type of box, or for that matter, the box in question itself?

I haven't had much experience in troubleshooting QAM problems since I am too busy solving simpler plant alignment issues. I was just looking at your issue from the signal propagation perspective. Distortions, or anomalies can cause a multitude of performance problems.

Since you said that you don't get it off the tap, it would seem more likely that it is a problem related to the install, but it doesn't hurt to take any step that could resolve the problem from the source.

Have you tried swapping the sub to a different port on the same tap? You say that you had no probs from tap, but were you connected to a different port?

Also, the voltage backfeed. You say that SA says that is no problem, but does the house splitter feel the same way? Have you tried putting a voltage blocking capacitor inline between the box and the splitter? Its similar to an inline pad, but if you don't have one of those, you can use a voltage blocking pin-to-F with a F81 baff to make one.

Just some more thoughts, from a process of elimination perspective. Wish you success, sure you customer would appreciate

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Posted in reply to: Re: The resolved Micro Tiling by Fletcher
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