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Re: Who's the customer

Sounds like a good rule of thumb and it appears to have worked for you, congrats.

I'll show my age a little and tell you that I was raised with the values that the better worker gets the better hours, gets the better pay, gets the better opportunity's, bottom line work hard everyday and learn to be good at what you do and all will work out.

God, now that sounds twisted in today's world doesn't it

When ever I'm looking to hire a new employee or do business with a Sub I ask myself : is this person right for us and are we right for them

If I have someone who isn't happy, I know for a fact that sooner or later I'm not going to be happy and the reverse is also true.

Life is way to short to be unhappy all the time, thats why we have divorce, LOL Being a sub and running your own business is a huge leap of faith as many of you know, its not just rolling in dough, driving fancy trucks and setting your own hours and taking off when ever you want. My post are not intended to offend anyone and I know there are some very good subs all across this country some of them I do business with others I would like to do business with and who knows maybe someday will, cause I'm not going anywhere, I love this business, the people the challenge the good and the bad.

My single greatest joy of it all so far, many years ago when still working in the field, at Christmas time I installed an outlet for just regular tv in a kids bedroom, he was being raised by his mom who didn't have a lot and it was his Christmas gift which I'm sure was his only gift or close to it, anyhow the smile on this kids face and the way his eye's lite up made all the crap I took over the years worth it.

It's hard to keep things in perspective some day's but when was the last time anyone on here had to worry that all they could give there kid for Christmas was tv in there room.
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