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Re: obama again....

When the Dem finally gained control it was too late to stop the increase of gas as it was already on the rise. It's the same as if people want to blame Bush for the wallstreet issue but it the problem was already on the rise towards the end of the clinton era. Though with that said McCain was still in position at that time so he should have a good plan to fix these issues instead of the horrible plans hes disposed to the US people. Obama isn't perfect but I tell you what I'm sick of the good ol boys with all the experience. It's time to shake things up because guess what the old way isn't working. McCain shows me nothing more then minature Bush. And honestly i can't deal with another Bush term.
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Posted in reply to: Re: obama again.... by sab3r
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: obama again.... sab3r 6/10/2008 6:45:00 PM
Re: obama again.... sab3r 6/10/2008 6:42:00 PM