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Re: George Walker Bush jr

Now I've read it all. Toast needs to give his head a shake. Gas prices are high because Tree Hugggers won't let King George drill in the National Parks. Lets Replace all those Ugly Redwoods with Oil Derricks. Gas is high because of GREED and PRICE GOUGING! Read Exxon quarterly profit reports. THE HIGHEST profit ever posted by any corp. in history twice in a row! We have an administration that came from the oil industry , that's why there are no investigations and big oil is free to squeeze the **** out of the consumer. So lets stop crying and act. The DIESEL was invented to run on peanut oil, however corn or canola work as well . I run my Cummins on used filtered fryer oil. Read From the FRYER TO THE FUEL TANK, or go to GreaseCar. Com and kick Big Oil in the Balls.(pirate)
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: George Walker Bush jr x Greasemonkey 8/15/2006 11:12:00 PM
Re: George Walker Bush jr oldschooldbstech 8/14/2006 10:56:00 PM