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"Illegals are marching..." was my post

I am proud to see that so many people responded to it, but the heart and soul of the matter is barely touched. The problem is not with the Mexicans, our elected government, or even C2Much.
It is us, the American, legal, taxpaying citizen. We let this happen. Look at how far the illegals go to push us for rights. Marching in the streets, waving Mexican flags, spitting in the face of YOU and YOUR government, and for what? To show us that they don't give a damn about our laws that they have already broken, the wages they have pushed to the floor, and they don't give a damn that their country has an ungodly amount of our industries now, since they can get paid low wages in their own country too.
So many of these people are uneducated, poor, and have no idea what they are doing to THIS country. They don't care. As long as they can live day to day here and at least work so they can send money back to Mexico is all that matters to them. A better quality of life? Give me a break!! They live the same here as they do there! But at least you'll glady pay for better health care for them than you might receive.
And the American public, mostly educated, hardworking and striving for a good quality of life, knowing what the Mexicans have done to this economy, and what is still going to happen, have done largely nothing.
It's too much trouble, not enough time, no, not even to make a call, or send an email from the comfort of your home, to your state and federal reps to say you don't want a compromise, you don't want 11 million illegals made legal by a stroke of a pen and a few hoops to jump through. Americans as a whole are too lazy and apathetic to tell your elected officals that if the Mexicans are allowed to stay then you will not cast a vote in that reps favor. NO, NO!! It's way too much trouble to exercise your political clout as an American citizen.
We are living in the country we made. Period! This mess is the direct fault of each and every thinking, adult American that did not, will not, and won't stand up for what we believe to be wrong.
The MAJORITY of Americans want the Mexicans out. Back to Mexico with no amnesty or program to make them legal except the one that's been in place for a hundred years. But telling your buddies in the bars, golf courses, shopping centers or wherever will not get to the ears of our elected officials.
So with that I'll say as a former lazy, apathetic American, I'm reformed, and have been for a while now. My opinions make people nervous, and I've been called rascist and a bigot. Neither could be farther from the truth. I'm a patriotic American and follower of the law of the land, the Constitution, and a flag waver as well. When you saw those illegals waving their Mexican flag on American soil, and being here unlawfully, did it make you mad? Made me wonder where my laws were, why they were'nt being treated as a terroristic threat to the sovereignty of this nation, and expelled by the military as they should have been.
Anyone agree, and will you fight for what you believe? You may have to. Eleven million hispanics here illegally from a socialist country should be treated as a military threat, and the militias and home grown border patrols are in the right. They are protecting the laws of this land, and as American citizens we have a right to protect our national identity, our neighbors, and our kids. Our future is American, not multi-culturalism, low wages, and schools that kick out a seven year old American citizen because she could not learn the Spanish language that the school requires. Yes, that happened here in Iowa.
This is posting #165365. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: "Illegals are marching..." was my post Clean Splice 4/10/2006 12:34:00 PM
Re: "Illegals are marching..." was my post dumyid 4/9/2006 2:52:00 PM
Re: "Illegals are marching..." was my post Gwester843 4/9/2006 11:08:00 AM
Re: "Illegals are marching..." was my post crawl2much 4/8/2006 9:47:00 PM