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Illegals are marching, and why we don't

Has anyone been watching the news? All these illegals and liberals marching because of new legislation and laws concerning booting the damned bloodsucking bastards out of our country!
And why don't as many legals, and CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES, born and bred here do the same thing day in and day out, to get these illegals out of our system? Why are we not marching, and petitioning our lawmakers harder to get these illegals out sooner?
I'll tell you why. Laziness, and apathy. Do you know whose fault this whole mess is with these illegals? YOURS. Not the government, not the SCUMBAG employers that knowingly hire them, but YOURS. This is your country, YOUR representative government that is supposed to do the will of the people. When the people are apathetic and lazy, then so is your government.
WE, the citizens, allowed the illegals to come in by the MILLIONS and drive down wages in so many sectors of the labor market, and then we allowed the companies that got a taste of what low wages can do for it's SHAREHOLDERS to take more good paying jobs and remove them to foreign countries, where the people are paid but dirt.
We citizens, as a whole, are nothing but a bunch of lazy, big screen tv watching, beer drinking, gotta get my kids everything, apathetic losers. As a whole, we do not deserve what America should be, because WE CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES let our country go to hell, right before our eyes, even though day in and day out we see what is happening, what might happen, and what does happen, when we can't get off our lazy asses and stand up for the country we live in and SUPPORT WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS. Having a good time is now all that matters. Well, have a good time in the third world hole we are creating. Ever been to Mexico? What a stinking hole!! And I mean where the REAL people live, not the resorts.
And as a side note, I was sitting in ab new housing development having a break in my car, and four Mexicans, sitting in a car with a Mexican flag on the back windshield, just threw all their garbage out their windows, with people milling about everywhere! Again, ever been to Mexico? Pretty soon you won't have to go, you'll be living in it.
May God Bless America, but since we've wasted our freedom on apathy, listening to idiotic liberals, and not having pride in this Great Nation, He may not.
This is posting #164196. Tiny Link:
There are 6 replies to this message
duh guerillasplicer 3/28/2006 12:11:00 AM
Re: Illegals are marching, and why we don't uboatcmdr 3/27/2006 12:38:00 PM
Re: Illegals are marching, and why we don't johned 3/26/2006 12:55:00 AM
Re: Illegals are marching, and why we don't vegassatellite 3/25/2006 10:12:00 PM
Re: Illegals are marching, and why we don't dsatelitmn 3/25/2006 9:07:00 PM
Re: Illegals are marching, and why we don't voices 3/25/2006 7:56:00 PM