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Re: whats the going ug ftg priceswhat kind of pr

If you p/m me I will inform you on the appropriate pricing. For todays projects in and around your area. Also if you have the capable equipment, irrigation is a profitable industry, if you are experienced in the lay out and design. The average job for a complete system to be installed. Will pay you between 5-7 thousand. Not bad for three days work, that would include 3 men, minus, your materials and labor.... But its a difficult game to venture into, no company is going to hire on a sub to steal there profits whether you have your own equipment or not. Especially when he has 5 or 6 of his own. And going out bidding your own jobs, good luck. Customers want large reputable companies. To include standard warranties, besides the manpower to return in the fall and shut the system down and reopen in the spring. In other words its not easy, or every cabl dog would be at it by now.
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