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The path of current nonpay companies.....

Is it me? or does all the old school cabledawgs see the same thing I do?IT sure as hell looks like sats(dtvdish) has fasttracked .Anyone else see how the scum has managed to butcher it the same way catv was...but only a helluva lot quiker?
Does anyone remember my post concerning storm damage in Fla?
So tell me......Did everyone get paid ALL they were owed?Please excuse me while I group both of these things as one....makes for easier typing.We'll just refer to dtv/stormdamage as cumpanies.
LOL......damn ppl......You have even went as far as to ask here...on the bar.....the reliability and pay history of these cumpanies .Each of us ,who had experience with one or more of these cumpanies responded.I know I said "LET em WAIT"STAY AWAY!! Yet,you still go work for them.You still fork over your money to them.Even after more than 60% of us here tell you that they are scum. top it come here and whine your *ss off bout why you werent paid.You post childishass threats,and try to play internet lawyer.
DIDnt any ONE of you listen?Remember when me and jerry and most of the old cabledawgs told you folks how we done business?When we hired on...we would tell the companies or person this"If you dont pay me,Im gonna kick your ass till you do"When we didnt get paid.we didnt sit on our ass and whine......we kept our word.WE KICKED THERE *SS.So what,we might catch a lil jail time.
Come next time,if we didnt get paid...guess what?You got it,go to there *ss again.ANd you keep doin it till you get paid.aFTER A WHILE...we usually got our bucks...cuz the dudes were tired of having there *ssholes realigned,they just figured it would be cheaper than the doctor bills.
I hate that you folks have been screwed,but lets face aint like you werent warned.And it aint like we didnt tell you how to get your money..or your moneys worth.
SEE,folks....its a matter of a mans word.........even if the cumpany man dont keep his word...we did and we still do.....thats why we wont work for this kinda scum.We said"screw me once.and
that will be the last time you ever think about screwing me.
Sometimes...YOu just gotta make an example outta one of the scum...if it gives warning to all the other scumpanys out here...If the owner of screwemdtvstormdamage installers is hobbling around with a cane...cuz he cant see,cuz Both damn eyes are swelled shut,then maybe..just maybe the next screwem cumpany might think twice about it.If not,go to there *ss.
This is posting #137947. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: The path of current nonpay companies..... signal2 11/7/2004 8:58:00 AM
Re: The path of current nonpay companies..... lashdawg 11/6/2004 1:17:00 PM
Re: The path of current nonpay companies..... signal2 11/6/2004 10:08:00 AM
Re: The path of current nonpay companies..... deleted 11/6/2004 10:06:00 AM