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Fcc & Xm

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), the organization that represents the large radio and television owners, is using its lobbyists, campaign contributions and political influence to have Congress and the Federal Communications Commission limit XM's ability to provide you with "locally oriented" content, including the new XM Instant Traffic & Weather channels.

The broadcasters feel threatened by the success of satellite radio. Instead of competing and improving their services, they want the government to protect their businesses by attacking satellite radio. This same group has tried to block every innovative technology that has been warmly welcomed into America's homes and cars. In the 1940's, radio broadcasters tried to squash television. In the 1970's, AM broadcasters tried to put the kibosh on FM stations. They never win and they never learn.

The NAB might have powerful lobbyists and big bags of campaign contributions, but we have YOU and the millions of other loyal XM fans who can tell Washington to spend its time worrying about real issues. On this page, we provide you the information you need to communicate your support for satellite radio to the FCC and to Congress. XM has played by the rules since day one. This is a question of consumer choice and the freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Let your voice be heard!

This Issue In the News:

* How Broadcasters Want to Silence Satellite Radio
* The Bullying Pulpit

We will use this section of the website to keep you up-to-date on any future issues affecting satellite radio, so check back from time-to-time.

Until June 4, 2004, the FCC is soliciting public comments regarding the NAB petition that seeks to stop XM from providing XM Instant Traffic & Weather.

Please use the form below to tell the FCC that you benefit from listening to XM Satellite Radio and its traffic and weather channels. Explain how satellite radio provides variety and quality that are not available elsewhere. You pay for these services and it should not be up to the National Association of Broadcasters to dictate what you are permitted to hear. Respectfully urge the FCC to reject the NAB's petition 04-160 and to support XM's ability to provide the kind of programming that you demand and deserve.
This is posting #131455. Tiny Link:
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