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Re:Does anyone know which way is right????

Learn how to climb! It's easier than hauling that thing around!

>Do you really worry about stuff like this?!
>>In the SCTE there is talk of a 45 degree carry. Is this when the ladder rail is resting on your shoulder and the ladder is at a 45 degree? In the NCTI there is mention of a Vertical Carry. This shows the installer carring a ladder with both hands and the ladder rungs are to this side. The ladder is at a 45 degree carry. My question... Are the 45 degree carry and the Vertical carry the same thing or are they 2 different carrys?
This is posting #12636. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re:Does anyone know which way is right???? by sprdave
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Re:Does anyone know which way is right???? KenM 2/11/2000 5:54:00 PM