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Re: Employee Or Independant Sub?

Okay, I have to pipe in here with a few facts from man married to a person that was with the IRS, Nexus and now with the Fed Gov.
Each STATE has it's own laws as to how the "Employee/ Employer" relations are AND also governs the relationship between Employee 1099, Sub contractor 1099!
The "Federal Government" DOES NOT get involved in this UNLESS the company or individual is cheating them BY LAW!
There are strict guidelines to follow regarding Sub contractors treatment and pay! You can get a package mailed to you from your local State and Federal Offices.
The "BASICS" in just about every state I have ever worked in is:
If you do not have the "person" set up as a "legal" sub contractor (buisness) or 1099 / employee? You ARE breaking the laws in that state! Even if you live in another state and are working in a different state!
The "Normal Basic" rules of setting up a "legal" sub contractor, 1099 employee are:
A legal contract on file "governed by that state"!
Work Comp coverage (if applicable) or a Release of WC on file!
A "Signed" application of Employment / 1099 Employment agreement!
A signed I-9
A copy of Driver's license & SS Card
Liability Insurance OR a realease of Liability!

As it was indicated by someone here!
It's always best to check with your local State & Federal offices in regards to the laws!
If there are any questions please feel free to email or private message me. If I don't have the answer, my wife does.

Hope this helps!
Mark A. Pickrell A Brother of the "Truth"! "Learn to Accept me or Learn to Ignore me"!
This is posting #124677. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Employee Or Independant Sub? by jebarger
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Re: Employee Or Independant Sub? Bill003 12/23/2003 9:05:00 AM