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stuff you need to know

Hey- check this out-how would you like to work for this company-it has just over 500 employees with the following stats:29 have been accused of spousal abuse,7 have been arrested for fraud, 19 accused of bad checks, 117 have bankrupted at least two businesses,3 have been arrested for assault, 71 cannot get a credit card because of bad credit, 14 arrested for drugs, 8 for shoplifting, 21 are current defendants in lawsuits, and in 1998 alone,84 were stopped for drunk driving! Can you guess what organization this is? see RE for answer

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There are 2 replies to this message
Re:stuff you need to know TrueSwing 1/6/2000 11:43:00 PM
Re:stuff you need to know Prowire 1/6/2000 7:19:00 PM