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Clean splice is right, the condition of your climbing gear is your life. I suggest a tearout test as well, which is the ultimate test of the properly honed climbers. I don't consider myself a gifted climber, but I stick to the proper techniques I was given in climbing school and don't hesitate to use them. In fact I found climbers to be a godsend on those 90F+ days and I'm maintaining a serving area with 50+ backyard EOL's. Remember that fast climbers really may not be faster, just more efficient and/or perfect technique. So shoot for proper and efficient, speed comes along with them.

>OK, now when you go to climb a pole that does not have pegs and you have to use your climbers, what do you do?
>A) Put on your saftey strap at the base of the pole and climb up moving the strap every couple of feet.
>B) Gaff all the way up the pole to the desired heigth, then put on the saftey strap.
>Need a quick answer back.
This is posting #11032. Tiny Link:
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