Arnco Trailer Mounted Fiber Blower & Capstan winch
New Jersey
Payments via credit card, wire, certified ck. or cash deals always accepted. 32,000.00 or best offer

2002 Arnco trailer mounted Fiber optic Blower & capstan winch. 40" capstan wheel. 2500DUOJD compressor, John Deer 4045 gen set, Airtrac blower system 743 hrs. Comes with couplers & new blower belts , new wheel chocks, air hose, fife ext. leveler Jacks. Unit was just serviced by a nation wide dealer. All new filters, fluids, new wheel bearings etc. everything works as it should. You are welcome to test it in central Jersey. This is a self comtainde unit & is ready to make you money.. We have seen Blower units alone selling for 18,000.00 without hyd unit, air compressor and winch unit.
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