Arnco Trailer Mounted Fiber Blower & Capstan winch
New Jersey
Credit card, Wire transfer, Bank Ck. Cash excepted. 32,000.00 or best offer.

2002 Arnco Fiber Optic Cable Blower & capstan winch. Mounted tandem wheel trailer with 40" capstan wheel & foot control. 743 Hrs. Sulliar250DUOJD Compressor John Deer 4045 Gen set. Arnco air trac blower System. Unit was just serviced, wheel bearings replaced all lights are working, wheel chocks, fire extinguisher, front & back leveler jacks, conduit adapter set, o ring/grommet set & extra belts. Unit located in central n.j. Welcome to test it. Call, text or e mail any questions J.Penna Sold as is.
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