Ditch Witch 1720 and Vermeer 1620
DW 1720 $20,500.00, Vermeer 1620 $17,500.00 certified check, cashier's check, Cash

2000 Ditch Witch 1720, 500'of drill stem, excellent condition, over $15,000.00 of new parts including new chain, has all receipts and all work was completed at DW. $20,500.00
1997 Vermeer 1620, 400'of drill stem, new motor, new harness, HP 300 mixing system with 24-40 pump $17,500.00
More pictures available upon request
1997 Vermeer 1620, 400'of drill stem, new motor, new harness, HP 300 mixing system with 24-40 pump $17,500.00
More pictures available upon request
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