Test Meters
Cash or PayPal (The amount entered was forced, something was required, The meters are actually different amounts, this site unable to handle that kind of ad). Purchaser pays for any delivery required.
Cable meters for sale, different prices but the ad would only let me list one. I have for sale the following:
2 Stealth Meters - No chargers - $800 for both
1 SD5000 Meter - No charger - $2,000
Calibrated for Colorado, New Mexico, etc. Would need additional software downloads for various other US areas depending upon system.
2 Stealth Meters - No chargers - $800 for both
1 SD5000 Meter - No charger - $2,000
Calibrated for Colorado, New Mexico, etc. Would need additional software downloads for various other US areas depending upon system.
x x x x Canceled/Expired Listing x x x x
listed •
classified listing #4514 •
tiny link cabl.co/cbkY