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Serious questions for Installers/Company Owners

I've been a cable contractor since 2001. In 2001 a cable contractor could start for a little under $3000. This includes the cost of the truck, tools, meter, and everything else. That contractor could make easily $60,000 a year and only work 4-5 days a week, mostly less than 6 hour days. Now it cost upwards of $6000 to start, pay is held for almost a month at some places, back charges are almost the norm, workers come and go like McDonalds, and the rules for the installs change by the week. Also the work has increased 300% with little compensation. Most people still make around $60,000 a year, but now work 6-7 days a week, 8-10 hour days, and it doesn't appear to be getting any better. Call center hold times are extreme, home certs are sometimes impossible to get into spec, and worst of all, all of the back charges seem to go directly to the sub contractor; so the main contractor never actually takes a hit.

So the questions I have for all of you contractors who've been in it a while. Are you guys seeing new recuits, because I've seen a steady drop in new laborers since 05'. What keeps you guys going? Has anyone seen the light at the end of the tunnel or is it more of a labyrinth hope? Does anyone think there is a chance of a real change where some of the hands will be removed from the cookie jar and we'll get compensated properly or is the only hope to wait for everything to go to hell and then aquire union representation afterwards. I mean some people don't even want a pay increase they just want some time off, but they're told it's either an all or nothing deal. I ask about the union thing because I oppose it but I don't see another way for the installers to unite to get proper compensation/representation. Most contracts are now held by large contact corps. that have deep pockets and are the only ones in the area.

In short, I'm just trying to get an idea of where you think the industry is going and how it might rise again or fall.
This is posting #363280. Tiny Link:
There are 8 replies to this message
Re: Serious questions for Installers/Company Owner Brent.Ford2302 9/5/2014 3:11:28 PM
Re: Serious questions for Installers/Company Owner Brent.Ford2302 8/30/2014 11:20:52 PM
Re: Serious questions for Installers/Company Owner Jasonwhittaker 8/27/2014 9:49:12 AM
Re: Serious questions for Installers/Company Owner Shane FOUNTAIN 8/22/2014 10:10:31 PM