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Re: What holds an atom together

Amen, Gary.
I have struggled with tithing even long after accepting Christ.
(or joining the RNTG as someone else would put it)
I can't even explain the peace that I have regarding finances now that I tithe faithfully.
I got tired of paying a mortgage, so I spent my entire savings and paid cash for a home.
Before I had a chance to get insurance it was nearly destroyed by fire.
I had nearly $30.00 left to my name and for a minute thought that I would have to go to a shelter and save up to rent a house.
A couple of days later (close to my birthday) I got $3,500 in Home Depot gift Cards in the mail and used them to buy material to repair my house to much better condition than before the fire.
One day, my wife and I were in desperate need of $1,200.00 so we prayed that God would give us the peace to know that He had everything under control.  That same day we got an unexpected check in the mail for $1,600.00.   (And of coarse, we gave $160.00 of it right back to Him!)
To meet the needs of our Church Media Ministry, for about a month I have tithed 100% of my income.
Since these needs have been met, my phone has been ringing off the hook and work has really been piling up.
I KNOW that God will not only Bless the Ministry, but my business also.

With God all things are possible
This is posting #329334. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: What holds an atom together by Gary Vest
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: What holds an atom together johnmc3 6/16/2011 8:21:33 AM
Re: What holds an atom together Splicer Life 4me 6/15/2011 10:24:42 PM