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Re: Cargebacks, Workmans Comp, and General Liabili

So from what I understand from reading about the SS8 is this.  Please inform me if I have misunderstood cause its very possible!    If the SS8 determines we are employees, then he should have been taking standard deductions out like federal and state taxes, social security, fica and stuff like that right?  So he would have to pay in what he didn't pay right?  Wouldn't that come back to bite the techs, because most guys i know don't pay a lot in if any at the end of the year ya know.  So according to the tax table, if you make 35,000 that year you are supposed to pay about 5,000 dollars in taxes.  techs are not paying in near that much so who would make up this difference that would be owed in?  The tech or the boss/owner for not classifying us right and not taking deductions?
This is posting #303874. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Cargebacks, Workmans Comp, and General Liabili by bushmaster
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Re: Cargebacks, Workmans Comp, and General Liabili bushmaster 5/24/2010 7:42:29 PM