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My story..

I got into the industry hearing about how much $$ contractors were making. I was told that it would "change my life" as far as income was concerned. $1500-$2000k a week was stated. So I ponied up(borrowed) $2500 for my tools, ladders and insurances.Then had to pay down the $1000 retainage.. Had to buy a tougbook (mandatory) then had to buy a new $3500 meter (was told this was mandatory) The labtop,meter and retainage were taken out of my checks until they were paid up.. Brutal when your just starting out and have lots of new bills to pay..Here I am 3 years later and have heard stories of how things used to be by many techs, in house, contractor and satellite. So there is no dispute this industry as a whole is taking a beating. Now I am finally paid up on my initial investment, but am just holding ground.
 A course of bad luck with my truck when the tranny went out (Dodge) cost me $2800 which I had to take out a loan so it could be fixed. My backup truck a 91' Chevy 1500 died 3 days after I switched my tools and spools and rack.. Couldn't work for a month wasn't much work to be had in that time so I actually saved $$ on gas by not having anything to drive :9 So then I get my truck fixed and back to work I go.. and its slow, I mean we had 7 techs fighting over fast connects and disco's.. and we had to cut back to working 3 days a week.. This was last year around this time so my perspective is the work has picked up.
 Being new is a bit of an advantage as I don't know what it was like when Installers made $60-$75k or more a year.  Now your lucky to squeek out $40k a year, and gas and ins, and taxes keep going up so its even less. I don't care what industry your in but a $20k pay cut when your bills match what ya used to make would cause me to find a new industry ASAP too.. So I completely understand the majority on the Bar that have bailed from the industry or are lookin' to get out.  Some times I feel like the dude who showed up to the party after it was over.. I am ready to make some $$ in this biz, but it seems the lions share has already been made.. so I continue to make a living.. If I was making good money I would call it a career...but its not, its just a job...
This is posting #291378. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Is anyone still making good money contracting? by ronjrcosten
There are 5 replies to this message
Some Clarification about Custom Cable rookiecableguy 2/12/2010 2:35:25 PM
Re: My story.. zulakill 2/11/2010 2:08:49 AM
Re: My story.. kblman2020 2/10/2010 6:46:12 PM
Re: My story.. JDylan 2/10/2010 5:47:32 PM
Re: My story.. SpeedLasher 2/10/2010 5:02:20 PM