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Cable Dawgs Unite

I am speaking as the father of Jeremiah Olson, I can tell you first hand what it's like to loose one of your fellow cable dawgs. He was EVERYTHING to me. One of my hopes is , if anything eles came out of this, it would be that the workers in the cable industy all over the United States of America, in Jeremiah John Olson's name, DEMAND SAFTEY ON THE JOB . You don't want to end up like Jeremiah Olson! (HE WAS A CABLE DAWG) Thanks so much,
Chuck Olson
the father of Jeremiah John (J.J) Olson
This is posting #74077. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Cable Dawgs Unite idig tech 6/8/2002 9:20:00 AM
Re: Cable Dawgs Unite cuoncatv 6/6/2002 10:35:00 AM
Re: Cable Dawgs Unite NorthernLightsComm 6/5/2002 11:07:00 PM