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The name of the company Jeremiah worked for is Cable Constructors Inc, out of Iron Mountain MI. They were working in Prestonsburg Kentucky. The name of the man that motioned the crew to swim the stand is Robert Denny. You are absoulty correct, the all mighty dollar is not worth damn when it comes to the saftey of all men!

> what kind of dumass would have a person swim any cable across
> water? the allmighty buck is not worth someones life!!! what company was this? the mangement needs to be shot!!!
> > May 1st Jeremiah Olson was running strand, they asked someone on the crew to "swim it across the river". He tried and drowned! To all foreman, linemen and ground hands, KEEP YOUR CREW SAFE!! Please follow all saftey rules. Think of Jeremiah.
> > He loved his job and would do anything for the company he worked for, and he paid for it with his life! God rest his soul.
This is posting #73999. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: FOREMAN KEEP YOUR CREW SAFE by treeclimber
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